Bad Ideas
A collection of ideas that are somehow considered bad based on our unreliable experience, unrigorous trials, or sloppy thought experiments.
See also…
Great Impractical Ideas for the Far and Possibly Infinitely Far or Maybe Not so Far Future
Good Ideas
First think of reducing to min-cost max-flow when looking at a dijkstra problem
Training loss watch party
Thinking that for i in 3..=0
iterates from 3 to 0
Making Em dash unreasonably hard to type (Windows…)
Triple nested f-string
Touching code that works without being touched
Forget to eat breakfast because you’re writing CSS
Building an OS without Colemak support (Windows…)
Implement a python typechecker
Use a game controller but only use it for this
Proofreading right after a paper deadline usually leads to more errors being identified than proofreading before the deadline.
Code, make format
, submit assignment, then git discard all changes from make format
, repeat (actually a very good idea)
Deadlock your database
CJK fonts in LaTeX
for d in ...:
for p in ...:
for g in ...:
for a in ...:
for s in ...:
Trying to compile python programs
// I fixed typescript
type Option<T> = {
"type": "Some";
value: T;
} | {
"type": "None";
value: sorry;
Declare pub struct Thing {...
Write if ... then ... else ...
in Python, not run it, and commit to main
Start debugging and forget there’s something being cooked on the stove
Turn off bluetooth when all your input devices are connected via bluetooth
Design your programming language and capitalize true
and false
Forget to call softmax
Index into a string by byte when there’s emoji in the string
Python environments
Write code that only works on Firefox
cargo clean
then cargo build
Spell “pizza” as “piazza”
Write “coprima” instead of “coprime”
Recursion in Rust
Recursion in Python
Banning yourself from doing homework for the rest of the day