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Fractal Art Collection

A type of algorithmic art in which artworks are generated from rendering fractal formulas. Fractal formulas are often simple, but iterating these mathematical formulas, tweaking the parameters, and visualising the results can often result in images that exhibit chaotic and complex patterns of almost infinite possibilities.

Most of my fractal artworks are done in Mandelbulb 3D, and the process of creating them usually involves choosing and interpolating fractal formulas, changing parameters of the formulas, exploring the fractal’s 3D projection, texturing and lighting the scene, and finally rendering the result. Below is a selection of my fractal pieces:


Canyon of Silence, 15 March 2020


Time Vault, 27 March 2020


Metamorphosis, 10 April 2020


Keyhole, 24 April 2020

A complete collection of my fractal art can be found in the Fractal MOC. See also Music Collection for more art experiments.